Danielle Carolei

After graduating from Cornell University in January 2016, I started working in sales and marketing in the produce industry.  After a year in the industry, I realized that my passion lay with art and creativity, particularly when able to connect my other passion of agriculture as well.  Having worked with social media for years to promote my goat herd, I transitioned my experience into a business designed to help small business owners in their quest to engage their fans and reach more potential customers.  As my own boss, it allowed more flexibility in my schedule to get back to painting and drawing as well.


King's Rock Farm

Besides painting and designing social media content, King's Rock is also home to a herd of award winning Nubian Dairy Goats.  The Nubian Goat is known for their long pendulous ears, roman noses and a high butterfat content in their milk.  These sweet animals stole my heart 15 years ago and since then, our herd has become nationally competitive, with many of our does placing in the top 10 at the American Dairy Goat Association National Shows.